Postdoc researcher

ENSYS @ TU Berlin

Welcome! I am a research scientist with expertise in energy economics, energy policy, operations research, and related programmable matter. I am particularly interested in mathematical models, their applications to real world problems, their limitations, and their impacts on decision making.

Currently I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Energy Systems group @ TU Berlin. The overarching goal of our work is to find cost-effective opportunities for climate neutrality.

Aside from my research, I enjoy astrophotography, reading about space exploration, related discoveries and just good sci-fi books. I believe in the value of open science, and I try to contribute by sharing my research code, data and teaching materials.

  • Mathematical models
  • Modelling for insight
  • Operations research
  • Energy economics
  • Energy policy
  • PhD in Energy Economics, 2022

    Brandenburg University of Technology

  • MSc in Power Engineering, 2014

    Brandenburg University of Technology

  • BSc in Power Engineering, 2012

    ZSEA Ukraine


Postdoctoral researcher
Mar 2022 – Present Berlin, Germany

Since early 2022, I joined the ENSYS @ TU Berlin group as a research scientist. We use methods from operations research and mathematical optimization researching the most cost-effective pathways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in energy systems. Our group maintains the PyPSA ecosystem - an open-source python environment for state-of-the-art energy system modelling.

In 2022-2024 my work was focused on the 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy by 2030 project, in a collaboration with Google. Project webpage – – tracks history of all work we did for this project. This research work is open and reproducible:

Since Q2 2024, I work on the RESILIENT research project, financed by the public funds. The project aims to improve our abilities to plan energy infrastructure in a resilient way.

Aside my research, I contribute to the Green Deal Ukraїna project that aims to set up a Think Tank that will provide modelling-based support for Ukrainian governmental institutions, policymakers, and society in rebuilding the Ukrainian economy and energy sector during and after this terrible war.

Research fellow | Energy Systems Modelling lead
Sep 2021 – Feb 2022 Cottbus, Germany
In my last half year at BTU, I was leading the energy modelling team at the Chair of Energy Economics. We worked on independent research projects, as well as on acquisition and implementation of third-party funded projects with industry and government stakeholders. My job in leading the team included managing ongoing research activities, modelling workflow and making sure we do the right things.
Research fellow
Nov 2014 – Aug 2021 Cottbus, Germany

In the period of end 2014 - early 2022, I was a research fellow at the Chair of Energy Economics at Brandenburg University of Technology. I have carried out research on energy economics and energy systems modeling. The topics included infrastructure investments, decisions under uncertainty, robust planning of energy systems, risk-aversion, sector coupling and energy auctions.

In this period, I completed my PhD in energy economics (Summa cum laude) under supervision of Prof. Felix Müsgens. My cumulative thesis is titled ‘Modeling challenges of modern energy markets: studies on uncertainty, complexity, and constant change’ and is published in open access.

My PhD supervisor and I developed a study course at BTU, named ‘Energy systems modelling’. The class focuses on the intersection of energy economics, operations research and energy modelling. The course gets usually very warm feedback from students. Some of the teaching materials are available on the GitHub repository.

In Autumn 2019, I did a research stay in a Sustainable Energy Systems Integration & Transitions Group headed by Dr. Madeleine McPherson at UVIC, Victoria BC, Canada. My work there focused on robust optimization algorithms applied to electricity system expansion problems. Victoria BC is simply a fantastic place.