Grok it and use it: teaching energy systems modeling


This article details our experience developing and teaching an “Energy Systems Modeling” course, which sought to introduce graduate-level students to operations research, energy economics, and system modeling using the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). In this paper, we focus on (i) the mathematical problems discussed in the course, (ii) the energy-related empirical interpretations of these mathematical problems, and (iii) the best teaching practices (i.e., our experiences regarding how to make the content interesting and accessible for students).

NB This manuscript has been originally written for the Special Issue “Model Development for the Operations Research Classroom” in the Operations Research Forum journal. The manuscript has passed a peer review and was accepted for the publication by the assigned editor (based on the email communication by the assigned editor). However, due to strange, awkward, bizarre stuff going on in the journal’s publishing office, the manuscript never got published. Eventually, we publish the manuscript in open access to share our ideas, and to encourage students and teachers in our field.